Ultimate Packing List

Ultimate Packing List

When it comes to preparing for a trip, I always start packing well in advance. My husband on the other hand waits until the last possible minute. Sound familiar to anyone else? If you are like us, check out my ultimate packing list below to make sure that you don’t forget anything!

As the planner in the family, packing for trips often falls to me. Whether for a weekend getaway or a full blown vacation, I always follow the same routine to ensure I don’t forget a thing.

Fortunately, my kids have gotten to the age where they can help with packing their own clothes, which can be a big help. Here are my tips for making packing as pain free as possible:

Pack in advance

By packing early, you give yourself time to remember all the little things you might otherwise forget. Things like belts or nail clippers can easily slip the mind if you don’t use them every day. The larger the trip, the earlier I start packing.

For our Thailand trip, I started packing at least a week in advance. This gives me a week to remember things like our passports so I am not all of a sudden remembering them on our way to the airport.


Do laundry

Before I start pulling out clothes, I like to do all my laundry. This way everything is clean, ready to be packed, and I have my entire wardrobe from which to make selections.

If you are packing in advance, it also gives you time to make sure that your favorite pair of jeans is clean. Once I have everything to choose from, then I like to lay out my choices on the bed where I can see it all in front of me.

Hot Tip: It works well if you have a guest bedroom where you can lay out clothes and add to it throughout the week leading up to your trip.

Write things down

My next tip is to write last minute items down the moment you think of them. I often think of little things I need to remember to pack at the strangest times like in the grocery store.

So, it is helpful to create a note on your phone that you can add to while you are out and about. When you get home you can refer to the list and add it to your packing pile.

Get your kids involved

Starting at a young age, get your kids involved in helping you pack! I start by telling my son how many days we will be traveling and what the weather will be like. Then, I help him walk through how many shirts, pants, socks, etc. that he will need. He then gets to pick his favorite clothes and gets to feel super helpful to me.

My kids are also responsible for packing their own entertainment backpack. The rule with this is that it must include things that can entertain themselves on their own.

It can be books, fidget toys, coloring books, or action figures, as long as it does not require two people to play. This approach gives them something that they enjoy to do on their own and keep them busy for your travel trip ahead.

Explore More: Check out my “Road Trip with Kids Must-Haves” post to learn all about packing your kid’s entertainment backpack.

Use packing cubes

I love packing cubes! They make packing and staying organized for trips so much easier.

I tend to keep all my shirts in one and pants in another, but you could also organize by outfit. I like these particularly for my son.

Once he has finished picking out all of his clothes he knows to put them all in a packing cube. When we get to our location, he knows exactly where all of his stuff is without needing to ask me. It also helps living out of a suitcase temporarily much more manageable.

packing cubespacking cubes

Keep toiletries kit stocked

Get a toiletries kit that you constantly keep stocked with all of your travel sized items. This way, every time you pack for a trip you don’t need to be remembering to bring a toothbrush and shampoo. It is just a grab and go system.

You might still need to remember to bring the make-up you wear everyday or remember your medication. But if you have a toiletries kit that is always fully stocked, then half the job is already done for you every time you go to pack.

toiletries kittoiletries kit


Lastly, it is important to edit. If you are like me, you pack 50 pairs of underwear for a 4 day trip… you know, just in case. You do not want to overpack!

My general rule is to pack an outfit per day and then, depending on the length of the trip, maybe one or two extra outfits. Once you have pulled out all your favorite shirts, challenge yourself to go back and only select how many you actually need.

Wondering what else to pack for your trip? Check out my post on how to survive a long flight. Stock up on all the items that will make your trip more comfortable.

My husband and I got back from Thailand earlier this year. Read all about our trip to Thailand with all the ups and downs and the things you should not miss.

Do you have any other items that go with you every time you travel? Let me know in the comments below!


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