Daily Goals for a Positive Mindset

With all the chaos going on in the world, it is important to prioritize your mental health. I find that starting the day on a good note helps keep my spirits up all day even if I am faced with some sort of challenge. To do this, I try to set daily goals for a positive mindset each morning by setting goals in five separate categories:


What is one thing you are going to do for yourself today?

During a busy day with kids’ schedules and various appointments, it can be hard to make time for yourself. I often find myself prioritizing getting everyone fed, cleaning the house, and finishing up work, but never really taking any time for me. Let me scream it from the roof tops: it is important to take time for yourself EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

It might only be ten minutes but give yourself something that you can look forward to each day. For me this might be reading, going for a short walk, doing some yoga, or taking a hot bath. Treat yourself to something special.


What positive affirmations do you have for yourself today?

Give yourself a little motivation each morning and say something positive. Remind yourself that you are beautiful inside and out and that you are doing your best each day. Some days that means you can only give 80% of yourself and the house is mess and the kids are eating cereal for dinner. It happens to all of us. It is important to remember that we are all a work in progress and no one is perfect.

Need some more inspiration? Head over to my motivational quotes page.


How can you engage in positive social interactions today?

I value the importance of connecting with my loved ones throughout the day. Make an effort to call or text just to let them know you are thinking about them. Reaching out to others makes them feel valued and making someone smile always makes you smile in return.


What can you do to live a healthier lifestyle today?

In typical teenage fashion, my daughter struggles with creating healthy habits and routines. It is easy for her to stay up all night and snack on chocolate like it is water. I don’t blame her; I would probably do the same if I could. So in our house, we have to make a big effort towards creating healthy goals. For us this might mean, limiting sugar, creating a healthy bedtime routine, exercising, and taking time to ourselves to mentally reset when needed.


What can you work to achieve at the office or at school today?

I struggle to stay focused sometimes, especially now that I work from home full time. It is good to set daily goals of the things you want to achieve. I personally use my daily planner to keep me on track with all the things I want to achieve. If you have a project due in a week, set yourself mini milestones so you don’t procrastinate and scramble at the last minute to get it done.

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When setting goals, it is most important to create S.M.A.R.T. goals. Make sure your goals are attainable and measurable so that you can check it off when you are done. If it helps you stay motivated, I recommend also rewarding yourself for one of the hardest goals you had to achieve that day. For my daughter, she will treat herself with an Oreo anytime she completes a goal that was particularly challenging for her.

Use the attached template to help you work on setting your daily goals for a positive mindset. Remember to not be too hard on yourself if you don’t meet a goal one day. Just reassess and figure out what made it particularly tricky to meet that goal and try again the next day.

What are other tips you have for creating a positive mindset? Leave your positive thoughts in the comments below!

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