Plan for a Perfect Snow Day

Living in North Carolina, we rarely have snow days. In fact, we are so bad at snow days that our entire city shuts down just at the threat of snow. You have probably seen the ridiculous memes of a car on fire in a few inches of snow – yep, that’s us. However, because we know everything will shut down it gives us plenty of time to plan for a snow day to make it the perfect, magical day. Need help planning for a snow day? Afraid kids are going to be stuck inside bored? Follow below for creating a memorable snow day.

Snow Gear

First things first, make sure you have some sort of decent snow gear on hand. With my kids constantly growing and us living in the south, I don’t even bother buying snow pants. Snow gear can also be expensive, so I recommend checking out thrift stores or relying on hand-me-downs. Make sure your kids have a decent pair of boots and socks though to keep their toes warm. Also, invest in a warm winter jacket one or two sizes larger than they need so you can extend the life past just one season. Finally, make sure they have good waterproof gloves and a warm hat.

Go Sledding

Sledding on a snow day with my son

In typical snow day fashion, sledding is a must. Find a nearby hill either next to your house or at a nearby park. You can get sleds pretty cheap online. The saucer or the two person toboggan sleds are great options. Make your kid’s memories extra special by getting in on the action. Join in with them and get to be a kid again with them. Kids will have fun no matter what, so don’t worry about finding the perfect hill or having the best sled. My son spent HOURS sledding down a hill that ended up just being dirt and leaves with a thin layer of snow.

Build a Snowman

girl building snowman on snow day

Do you want to build a snowman? The answer should always be yes! This classic snow day activity will make great memories for your kids. To make it extra fun, try making it a snowman building competition or see if you can create a snowman taller than your kids. For an easy cheat, try buying this snowman accessories kit.

Have a Snowball Fight

Start a snowball fight with your kids or better yet try to get the whole neighborhood involved. Divide into teams and build snow shelters to hide behind. For quick and easy snowball making, pick up these snowball making tools that come in fun shapes.

Eat Snow Ice Cream

All it takes is a few ingredients and a lot of snow to make these delicious treats. This tastes surprisingly just like ice cream and can be adapted to your favorite flavors. We have made vanilla with caramel sauce and mint chocolate chip. Follow my recipe here and place them in your own fancy ice cream cups.

snow ice cream

Make Warm Cozy Blankets

It is always fun to have a craft to do when kids come inside from the snow. Tie knot blankets are an easy project that takes less than an hour to make. Your kids can help you assemble these and then you can snuggle up together under it to stay warm. Follow my instructions to make these blankets or order a DIY kit online.

blanket craft

Drink Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is a favorite for my kids that we make regardless if it is a snow day or not. It makes a snow day extra special though after you have made your blankets and need to warm up from being outside. Our go-to recipe combines the below ingredients. You can cook it in a crockpot on low for 2-3 hours or cook it stovetop on low for about thirty minutes. An easy, fun alternative is to use hot chocolate bombs that you just add to a hot mug of milk.


  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 4 cups 2% or whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Optional flavorings: cinnamon, Nutella, caramel
  • Optional toppings: marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, cinnamon stick

Build a Fire

Cozy up next to a fire under your warm blanket and drink your hot chocolate. Don’t have a fireplace? Try out this tabletop fireplace instead.

Watch a Movie

At the end of the snow day, snuggle up for a themed movie night. For little kids, Frozen is a great choice and for older kids they could try the kid classic, Snow Day. Spending time with your kids on a snow day will create a core memory that they will remember for a long time. Not only is it great for them, but use the day to be a kid again! Relax, cozy up, and overall just enjoy a fun day.

Do you have any other favorite snow day traditions? Let me know in the comments below!

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