Preparing for Guests Checklist

Hosting guests in your home can either be really exciting or extremely stressful for some. I’m here with a plan to make things a little easier for you. So, enjoy this preparing for guests checklist.

Whether you are hosting guests for the holidays or perhaps have just given birth and are expecting some visitors, it helps to plan ahead to make your home more inviting to guests. A few small thought out details can change your guests’ whole experience.

The best way to prepare for guests is to think about what you might want as a guest. Remember the best hotel or VRBO you stayed at and think about what little details they had. They might have had snacks or coffee, or maybe they had some of the fluffiest towels. Bring these amenities into your home for the ultimate guest experience.

Tidy your entryway

When guests walk in, the first thing they will see is your entryway. So, if you only have limited time to clean up your house, focus on keeping the entrance neat and inviting.

Be sure to have a place where they can hang up their coat or take off their shoes. Trust me, our home doesn’t have one of those gorgeous magazine style entryways. But, I always try to make sure there is a nice entry mat and all of our kids’ shoes have been put away.

hall tree

Clean parts of your home that guests will see

After tidying the entryway, clean parts of your house that guests will spend a lot of time in. Start with the guest bedroom and bathroom to make sure their home base is clean and ready for them.

Next, focus on common spaces like the living room and kitchen. I’m one to end up cleaning the whole house, but I try not to worry about rooms that guests won’t really see. Taking ten minutes to pick up and organize can go a long way without having to do a deep clean of any kind.

Explore More: Follow my easy house cleaning plan for a simple way to keep your house tidy without any insane cleaning schedule.

Clean sheets

#1 rule of preparing for guests is to always make sure there are clean sheets on the bed. You would hate to go sleep at a hotel with dirty sheets, so don’t make your guests at home do that.

Hot Tip: Wash and replace sheets as soon as your last guests leave to make sure there are always clean sheets ready to go on the bed.

Lots of pillows and blankets

Everyone has different preferences for their pillow, so make sure to have a bunch of different pillows on hand. I recommend having some softer pillows and some on the firmer side.

Additionally, everyone likes a different temperature when they sleep. I personally love blankets, but want the fan blasting; whereas, my husband just loves one weighted blanket.

Therefore, have a bunch of cozy blankets of varying weights to keep your guests comfortable throughout the night. You can store them in a basket nearby or folded on the end of the bed.

Hot Tip: Provide your guests with a fan or space heater so they can easily adjust the temperature of their room to fit their needs.

Bathroom essentials

Just like having clean sheets on the bed, make sure you have fresh towels and washcloths available to your guests. I like to leave these out on the bed so they are easy to find.

Sometimes guests forget items at home; so, it is considerate to have some spare toiletries on hand when they come to visit. I like to collect these from hotels I’ve traveled to and leave them in a small basket in the bathroom.

Make room for their things

There is nothing worse than visiting a place and having to live out of your suitcase for a number of days. Make it easy for your guests and remember to make space in drawers and in the closet. Be sure to have a number of hangers for them as well.

Luggage rack

If you don’t have extra space to clear out for your guests, then be sure to have a luggage rack on hand. This helps your guest get their clothes off the floor and makes it easier to live out of a suitcase for short term stays.

WiFi password

One of the first questions your guests will have is, “What is the WiFi password?”. Be one step ahead of them by leaving it out on display in the guest room.

I use a small picture frame with the WiFi password in it that sits on the dresser. It makes it easy for guests to see first thing when they get settled.

Outlets close to the bed

A lot of guests use their phones as alarms when traveling and, therefore, like to have their phone close by.

Do you guests a favor by making sure there is a plug by the nightstand that they can use. Even if there aren’t outlets close by, provide an extension cord or, better yet, a power strip so they can plug in all their devices.

Make it smell good

Create an inviting home for guests by making it smell warm and homey from the moment they walk in. The easiest way to do this is to light candles throughout your house.

In the colder seasons, I love to simmer a pot of water with cinnamon sticks, vanilla, and some orange slices. It makes your home smell truly dreamy.

You can also quickly make some homemade cookies to fill your home with the most delicious smell. Plus, guests will love a small treat when they arrive.

Coffee station

There is nothing more welcoming to guests than starting their day off with a cup of coffee. Make things easy for them by having a little coffee station where they can help themselves when they first wake up in the morning.

When my parents come to visit, I love to have a single serving Keurig coffee maker set out for them with a few mugs for their stay. I also put out some coffee pods and accompany them with creamer and sugar.


When you have guests over, you probably want to maximize your time spent with them and minimize the time spent in the kitchen preparing meals. Make things easy for yourself and plan out meals ahead of time.

I like to have a few self-serve items on hand for breakfast, like bagels and cereal, and make-it-yourself lunch options such as sandwiches. To keep things easy for dinner, you can pre-make and freeze your meals, so all you have to do is bake them when guests arrive.

Preparing for Guests Checklist: Make Ahead Freezer Meals

Explore More: Check out my ten top make ahead freezer meals for some meal planning inspiration.

A little preparation before your guests arrive can go a long way in creating a warm, inviting home. Little personal details will leave them with a memorable experience that will have them coming back again soon.

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