About Me

Welcome to Let’s Make a Plan! From travel planning and weddings to meal planning and all things Disney, this is a one-stop shop for all your planning needs. I am excited to tell you all about me as I share my routines and plans that help me get through all seasons of life.

About Me

If you have landed on this blog, it is probably for one of two reasons:

1) you are like me, a total Type A person who is constantly planning everything or,

2) you’re the complete opposite and have no clue where to start

Either way, I’m here to help!

I work in reality television and the best piece of advice that was ever given to me was to think of production like a big train.  The producer is the person who is laying down the tracks in front of the train to keep it moving forward.

About Me

I approach life the same way I do my work – I always try to be ten steps ahead of everyone else.  I plan to use this blog as a way to share the mistakes and triumphs I have experienced while planning numerous different events from weddings, to parties, to my absolute favorite, Disney trips!

I love hearing other people’s tips and tricks to making life just a little easier, so please reach out or comment!

I’m also a travel agent with a passion for Disney so fill out the travel inquiry form if you would like me to help book your next vacation!

Disclaimer: My posts might contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I actually use and all opinions expressed are my own.

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